By Tammy Nienaber

serena-breakfastI’ve been a follower (aka, stalker) of @Serena for some time. Serena is smart, funny and full of energy. She’s also a wealth of knowledge when it comes to how businesses can use social media. I had always expected this to be the case based on the content she shares. My assumption was confirmed when a handful of IABC Minnesota colleagues and I spent a jam-packed 90 minutes with her over breakfast several weeks ago.

As tweeted by @EllenVL, “Thank YOU, Serena! Never have I ever learned that much before 9 a.m…”

It was challenging to take what we covered during this brief, informational breakfast meeting and break it down to five ideas. To help me focus, I enlisted a few other attendees to send me what they took away.

Here are my favorite takeaways based on the ideas that stuck with several of us.

  1. Visual fluency gets you seen. The old adage still applies, “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” –
  2. Smart headlines take work. Google industry terms and review search volume and then use those in your headline. – @sarah_irene
  3. Timing is everything. Morning content should be educational and factual. Afternoon is the best time for video. – @EllenVL
  4. Your network can work. Coordinate major LinkedIn posts and shares by a half dozen or more connected people at the same time to trip the algorithm for breaking news. – @SueOtten
  5. Amp up amplification. Your distribution strategy is as important as the content. – @tnienaber

Serena Ehrlich is Director, Social and Evolving Media at Business Wire. Her Twitter handle is @Serena. If you’re not one of the 11,000 folks who already follow her, consider adding her to your river of knowledge.