By Tammy Nienaber
I’ve been a follower (aka, stalker) of @Serena for some time. Serena is smart, funny and full of energy. She’s also a wealth of knowledge when it comes to how businesses can use social media. I had always expected this to be the case based on the content she shares. My assumption was confirmed when a handful of IABC Minnesota colleagues and I spent a jam-packed 90 minutes with her over breakfast several weeks ago.
As tweeted by @EllenVL, “Thank YOU, Serena! Never have I ever learned that much before 9 a.m…”
It was challenging to take what we covered during this brief, informational breakfast meeting and break it down to five ideas. To help me focus, I enlisted a few other attendees to send me what they took away.
Here are my favorite takeaways based on the ideas that stuck with several of us.
- Visual fluency gets you seen. The old adage still applies, “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” –
- Smart headlines take work. Google industry terms and review search volume and then use those in your headline. – @sarah_irene
- Timing is everything. Morning content should be educational and factual. Afternoon is the best time for video. – @EllenVL
- Your network can work. Coordinate major LinkedIn posts and shares by a half dozen or more connected people at the same time to trip the algorithm for breaking news. – @SueOtten
- Amp up amplification. Your distribution strategy is as important as the content. – @tnienaber
Serena Ehrlich is Director, Social and Evolving Media at Business Wire. Her Twitter handle is @Serena. If you’re not one of the 11,000 folks who already follow her, consider adding her to your river of knowledge.