Posted By Sara Kowski, Sunday, May 17, 2015
Updated: Monday, November 16, 2015
In order to have a more viable, sustainable group for our senior communicator members (10+ years of experience), we are eliminating the focus of Healthcare in our newest Masterminds group. All else remains the same, the focus on work and career, challenging one another to create and achieve goals, brainstorming and supporting each other. Read below for more information or contact Susan Otten, IABC Minnesota President Elect and our newest Masterminds Group leader.
One of the primary reasons IABC Minnesota exists is to give members opportunities to make meaningful connections with peers. Masterminds groups are one way to do just that.
Regardless of your title and whether you are a one-person shop or one in a department of many, IABC Minnesota’s Masterminds groups are a great way to connect with peers that can help you navigate professional opportunities and challenges.
How Masterminds Groups Work
Groups are comprised of six to eight veteran communicators (more than ten years of experience) with common interests. Group members come together to:
Discuss work and career-related topics
Challenge one another to create and achieve goals
Brainstorm ideas
Support each other in career and professional development
The group determines together how and when they’ll meet. But, generally meetings are held once a month, via conference call, face-to-face or a combination of both, for about two hours. You must be an IABC member to join a group.
Join the New Masterminds Group
IABC Minnesota is now inviting senior communicators to join its new Masterminds Group. If you would like to joing the group, please follow the instructions below. You will be charged the one-time $25 fee separately after you join the group.
Sign on to the IABC Minnesota website to join the Masterminds group.
Click on “Join Group.”
A window will pop up saying, “Are you sure you want to join this group?” Click “OK.”
Your request will be sent to the group administrator for approval. Once approved, you will receive a “welcome” email, and can find the group in your profile or under “Groups” in the menu at the top of the website.
If you have questions about the group, please contact Susan Otten, IABC Minnesota Secretary and Masterminds Group leader.