Mark Down April 21st on Your Calendar
For those familiar with our annual IABC Convergence Summit, you know it’s a full day of high-
impact speakers, learning, and networking. You will also understand that Convergence is about
connecting new ideas and practical communication applications from academia and current
best practices respectively. This year, the Minnesota chapter of the Public Relations Society of
America (PRSA) will be riding alongside us and our academic cohorts to bring our biggest,
boldest Summit ever. Please join us on Friday, April 21.
The theme of this year’s summit is Synergy – the combining of two or more things to drive
something better, innovative, or increase value. Our scheduled speakers to date will be ready to
showcase the latest changes in social media, change management, and research, just to name a
few. (And, if you have an incredible idea, campaign, or innovation to share, contact me at to submit your speaker proposal.)
This year’s Convergence will be hosted at Prime Therapeutics offices in Eagan. Prime has
wonderful meeting spaces, exceptional food and beverages, and free parking.
Better yet, we’re putting together some renew-and-go and join-and-go pricing to make sure
IABC continues to deliver value for our members and our community. Look for registration
information in the coming days.
Please join your fellow IABC members on April 21 – it is yet another way to #findyourpossible.