Posted By Mark Kretschmar, Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Your career, connections, and competencies can benefit from an IABC membership – I know this from experience. Like you, I learned a lot in college (I went back as an adult). I even got a master’s degree, but the skills I use day-to-day as a professional communicator, and my important professional relationships, all came from IABC.
The professional development events offer real, practical information that I’ve been able to take back to my office and apply the same day. I may have learned the most from the learning experiences that are the Quill awards and my ABC certification. Communication plan designs I put in place now look like Gold Quill entries, and I’ve never been more effective – and it’s been noticed by my boss; he’s more than happy to fund my membership and trips to professional development events. The ROI is obvious to him.
The connections I now have in the communication community have become an important part of my work life. I have made great connections and friends – especially after I started volunteering. When I come upon a new challenge, I know someone with experience in that area and they are always willing to help. When we expanded into China and I needed to know how to market there, I looked up the president of the Hong Kong chapter; she immediately gave me the names of some contacts. We ship about 30% of our product to China now. Once or twice a year, someone contacts me about a job they want to recommend me for. How else would that happen?
IABC has a great strategy for the future and will become the communication association of choice. With the new ISO registered certification program, IABC will be the go-to association that sets the standard for professional communication. I would sincerely love to have you join us (or rejoin us).
In October the $40 sign-up fee is waived, plus a 10% discount from IABC International. Today is the day.
I’m here to answer any questions you may have.
Mark Kretschmar,
President, IABC Minnesota
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