Posted By Mark Kretschmar, Monday, November 02, 2015
Hi Everyone,
If you’ve been following any of my video blog posts you know I keep talking about a full day event we are doing in cooperation with the University of Minnesota’s strategic communication folks. It has moved considerably closer to reality – we have a name and a date:
Convergence Summit 2016: Connecting Theory & Reality in Business Communication
April 4, 2016, University of Minnesota, Coffman Union
There’s a lot to be planned yet, but the idea is to bring together the academics who are researching strategic communication, practitioners who are actually doing the work, and students who have fresh ideas. The convergence and cross pollination of these three groups should produce great outcomes and insights for everyone involved.
We’ve set the bar pretty high and are expecting a great event that will be good for everyone who attends and the IABC Minnesota brand. IABC has always been about setting a standard in communication – we expect this to reflect that.
My heart-felt thanks to an amazing team of past presidents putting this together.
Brett Pyrtle, Martha Nevanen, Cindy Schmieg, Trace Ulland, Ann Krzmarzick, Jen Joly and all headed by Immediate Past President Tami Wendt. Sarah Davy our current VP of Professional Development is tracking the progress and will soon be creating a web page for the event so we can begin to publish the details as they are confirmed. That picture below is this awesome group at their first meeting in August.
We’ll keep you updated on the progress. Might as well save the date now, pretty sure you’ll want to be there.