I love competition. In life. In business. And in sports.
And as a veteran communication professional, it’s hard to leverage this competitive fire for generating more business or for helping others communicate their goals. One day at one my daughter’s volleyball matches, I was thinking, they train and train to get better. Then they have one match to see how they stack up against their competition. And then they go back to the gym to improve.
This got me thinking; how can I test my skills learned over years as a communication professional? How can I use what I have learned to be more competitive in the market, to help others communicate their companies’ competitive advantages?
Then the lightbulb came on; Global Communication Council Certification.
I took the Strategic Communication Management Professional exam about a year ago and passed. Achieving certification was an achievement but it wasn’t what I valued most from the experience. I took away I needed to improve in some areas. And I need to continuously work on improving my professional skills.
Are you ready to see if your training and experience has made an impact? If so, register for the GCCC exam on March 28 at the University of Minnesota. It will test your skills and help you be more ‘on your game!’
Susan Otten, MBA, ABC, SCMP
Otten Associates
CEO and Founder