So what if you’ve got a few million Likes?

By Linda Lim You’ve launched a great campaign and garnered millions of impressions on social media with engagement rates that are above industry benchmarks.  You know you’ve made a difference – but how do you connect these activities to their impact on business performance? The business communications professional, similar to other important members of the […]

Feeling isolated or just plain stumped?

By Jim Madson I have been a member of professional associations since I was in college and enjoy the sense of community and the resources that they offer. Seven years ago, a colleague suggested I attend an IABC event. I was impressed by the value of the programming and the stature of the people I […]

5 Bewitching content tips from @Serena

By Tammy Nienaber I’ve been a follower (aka, stalker) of @Serena for some time. Serena is smart, funny and full of energy. She’s also a wealth of knowledge when it comes to how businesses can use social media. I had always expected this to be the case based on the content she shares. My assumption […]